I will start this blog out stating that I am no saint. As a Christian I really do try to watch my language but sometimes a word slips out before I can stop myself. I say all that to say this; I rarely if ever curse on Facebook or in an email and I never use the F bomb in a post, tweet or email. I gotta wonder....When did this become acceptable? Why is it that you cannot have a conversation on ANY Facebook page without someone dropping the F bomb? Have we become so uncivilized that we cannot respect that not everyone wants to hear or read that word? Or is it that we just don't care. I have joined several pages on Facebook that have a lot of really good information but it never fails that someone has to drop the F bomb in the middle of a perfectly good conversation. I just don't understand why we, as a society, cannot blog, post or tweet without someone using that word. Is it a lack of vocabulary? Is it a lack of respect for the feelings of others? It is a lack of couth? (Look it up if you don't know what it means) I have to say it is very disappointing this lack of manners and respect that permeates our society today. I wish I could say it is only men that seem to have this issue but just as many women use that word.
So to wrap up this blog on manners lets review. When you are asked a question you don't say "Yeah" you say something couth like "Yes Ma'am" or "Yes Sir" "Please" and maybe even a "Thank You" would be nice. Think of who will be reading your posts and ask yourself if it will make you look uneducated. Ask yourself before you speak.......would you kiss your mother with that mouth? If the answer is no then maybe you shouldn't say it.
My blog is not about a specific subject just what I am thinking or feeling on any particular day. I hope my posts will both entertain and enlighten.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Saturday, January 21, 2017
I am not with the women marching in Washington!!
I saw the news report today about the women marching in Washington D.C. for women's rights and I am disgusted by the whole thing. Those people wearing those stupid pink hats and making their speeches, don't speak for me. First of all, what are your rights? Is it your right to kill your baby? Is it your right to have free birth control? What are the "rights" you are marching for? As far as I know killing your baby is still legal and women can get free birth control at most health units, so what is there to march for? I find it so amazing that these women believe Donald Trump has the power to take these "rights" away. He is just one man, not a king, not a dictator, just the president. He DOES NOT have the power or authority to take rights away. I also find it amazing that women don't want the government involved in their reproductive rights but they expect the American people to pay for their birth control and/or abortion. When did it become my responsibility to pay for your sex life? When did it become my responsibility to pay for your bad choices? I find it totally insulting that, because I am a woman, I am incapable of taking care of myself and I need the government to pay for my choice to have sex. You can't have it both ways, either you want the government out of your sex life or you take responsibility and pay for your own birth control. And another question....why do you even need to have an abortion? Did you not learn what causes pregnancy and how to prevent it? When I hear of women having multiple abortions I think "WHAT THE HELL!!" are you that stupid that you can't go to a clinic and get some pills? They even make IUD's that last for up to 10 years! As far as I am concerned any woman who gets pregnant on "accident" is full of it. You know when you have unprotected sex there is a chance you can get pregnant so don't tell me you didn't know, sex education is taught in just about every public school in this country.
Although I am pro-life I don't believe making abortion illegal is the answer. We, as a country, have a heart problem. Pro-choice people don't believe in the sanctity of life, they don't believe life starts at conception and they don't think the life they are killing is a baby or maybe they just don't care. We need to change the narrative to "all lives matter!" Not black lives, white lives, old lives, young lives but ALL lives and that includes unborn lives. When we stopped thinking of a fetus (Latin for "offspring") as an actual human life we became almost inhuman ourselves.
Although I am pro-life I don't believe making abortion illegal is the answer. We, as a country, have a heart problem. Pro-choice people don't believe in the sanctity of life, they don't believe life starts at conception and they don't think the life they are killing is a baby or maybe they just don't care. We need to change the narrative to "all lives matter!" Not black lives, white lives, old lives, young lives but ALL lives and that includes unborn lives. When we stopped thinking of a fetus (Latin for "offspring") as an actual human life we became almost inhuman ourselves.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
I lost my Pugsly on Monday, January 9, 2017. He was 14 years old. I had his mom and dad, Rocky and Adrian. They were cool little dogs that I had to give away when we got orders to Japan. Pugsly originally belonged to my daughter and granddaughter. Adrian had a litter and Jessica wanted one to grow up with Destiny. He was a super cute puppy but all pugs puppies are cute. When I came back from Japan he was living out with her dad so I decided he was coming home with me. I remember he was really skinny and was positive for heart worms but that didn't matter he was my dog now. I took him to the vet and had the heart worms cleared up and had him neutered and he quickly got to be a round dog. What a funny boy he was, always happy to see me no matter how long I was away. He didn't like to be held but loved to be loved on as long as you didn't mess with his tail or his wrinkles. He would bark at nothing and dance around when it was dinner time. He was a very happy dog. He started having seizures several years ago but the vet said they were fairly normal so we didn't worry until the Friday before he died. He started the day having a couple but by the evening he was having them back to back. It wasn't looking good for him so Friday night I took him to the vet who ran tests and gave him some medication to stop the seizures but it didn't work.....nothing worked. By Sunday he couldn't move at all. I held him on my lap playing with his tail and cleaning his wrinkles. I knew when he didn't respond to either he was gone. I held him and told him what a great dog he had been and then found him a cool comfortable spot to rest. I knew if he made it through the night on Sunday I would have to take him to the vet to be put to sleep but I prayed that I wouldn't have to do that. I loved that little dog and did not want to have to make that decision so he made it for me. He was gone by Monday morning when I got up. Jon came home early and we buried him in the little memorial garden I am building for Mom and Dad, under the bird feeders. He loved to bark at the birds flying overhead so I thought it was a perfect resting place.
Once again I am mourning. Once again my heart is breaking and I am overwhelmed with sadness. I know I should be thankful for the years I had with him. I know he lived a very long life and was well loved but that doesn't ease my broken heart. Once again the phrase "this too shall pass" runs through my head and I know I will get past this sadness but WOW!! I am thankful that my last 3 dogs are fairly young and in good health. I am thankful for a husband who puts up with my dogs when he isn't even a dog person. I know I will get another puppy but for now I will mourn my "Old Man" and remember what a great dog he was.
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
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