Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Are church denominations biblical?

Something I have been pondering for a while is the question of church denominations.  We have tried several.  I grew up Lutheran and that is the church we were married in.  We went to an Evangelical Free Church in Iowa which I really liked.  Until recently we were attending Baptist churches here in Texas although I didn't always agree with their theology.  We have gone back to our Lutheran roots for now anyway because we have become disillusioned with the others.  I wish we could go back to a time when there were no "denominations".  To a time when people met together to worship, fellowship, and help each other.   I think churches today have become so hung up on the service they have forgotten to serve.  Many churches have become so big and impersonal, it is all about the atmosphere and music, we have forgotten who we are there to worship.  It has been suggested to us to start a home church, an idea that I actually like.  Maybe we could get away from the conflicts that seem to plague today's churches and get back to the basics.  I'm not sure where I am going with this but it is something I have been thinking about for a while.   

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Are we only the body of Christ on Sunday?

After posting my last blog about churches I didn't receive any feedback which kind of disappointed me.  The only thing I saw was a post from a pastor who basically said it was my own fault if I feel the way I do.  He didn't send it directly to me but I knew from the content that his Facebook post was a response to my blog. It was not what I expected.

My next question is this...Are we only the body of Christ on Sunday?  We have some friends that Jon met at the flea market in Linden a couple years ago.  They go to the church we went to and we do a lot with them.  We go out to eat, shop and generally help each other out when we need it.  They are really wonderful people. I think the reason we have hit is off is they are prior military, have moved around as much as we have, and understand how hard it is to get connected in a new community.  They reached out to us when we were looking to make new friends and connect with people.  I guess I am writing this particular blog to ask how often you, as a member of a church, reach out to new people outside of church? Do you see them on any other day besides Sunday?  They are the only people from any of the churches we have attended here that did and we didn't even meet them at church.  It just so happened they were going to the same church as us.  Are we not suppose to interact with others from the church outside of "church"?  Acts 2:46-47 says
"Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.

So the new testament church met daily, not just on Sunday. Why don't we, in the modern church, do the same?  Is it that we are just too busy?  Is it that we just don't see it as important? Do we have enough friends and just don't need anymore? Are we content to just do "church" on Sunday, check that box off our schedule, and go on with our lives?  

I know I am guilty of this.  I come up with excuses as to why I don't....I am uncomfortable reaching out to new people....I like my life the way it is.....what if I don't like the person after I get to know them?  But I feel like I am missing something.  I feel like I am not living for God the way I should be.  I know it is a weakness of mine and something I continue to pray about and ask for guidance. I don't really know why I am writing this blog, maybe to help me work out my own issues.  Maybe to encourage you to go talk to those new people and maybe invite them to lunch. Hopefully you are encouraged to reach out to someone who needs a friend and maybe I will too.  


Life sucks!

 So Jon goes to this church weekend thing and comes back an rah rah rah and life is great and why can't we all just be happy and it make...