Wednesday, August 22, 2018

I don't recognize my country anymore

What the heck is going on in our country?  Most days I can't believe I still live in the Unites States of America.  Has the progressive left completely lost their minds?  Just this week there were articles online on changing the name of the vagina to "front hole", tearing down statues on a college campus because it made some people feel "unsafe", and an illegal immigrant being arrested for killing a lovely young woman in Iowa and the left advocating  getting rid of ICE.  This is just a fraction of the crazy things going on with the progressive left.

Black people are being slaughtered on the streets of Chicago and no one on the left wants to talk about it.  Black babies are being killed in abortion clinics in record number and no one wants to talk about it but if a black person is killed by the police all hell breaks loose. Where is the logic in that? 

Drugs and criminals are pouring across the southern border but the left wants to open the borders to all and not secure it.  They think it is wrong to want to know who is coming into our country.  People are being killed by people who should not even be in the country and that is ignored.  

Our former president is chummy with the president of South Africa who wants to seize the land belonging to people because of the color of their skin possibly throwing the entire country into chaos and causing the death of millions to starvation.  If they give the land to people who don't know how to grow the food starvation is inevitable.  Just ask the people in Zimbabwa how that worked for them. 

For a while I didn't read or watch the news because it just made me crazy but lately it is hard to.  To see how lost we as a nation have become is a sad thing to see.  Where does it end? How far will we go in the name of political correctness or fairness?

Life sucks!

 So Jon goes to this church weekend thing and comes back an rah rah rah and life is great and why can't we all just be happy and it make...