But life with him just keeps getting better and better. We have both had to deal with raising difficult teenagers and grandchildren, spending years apart because of the military, my mother living with us and now my nephew which he was completely on board with. He grieved with me when I lost my mom and dad and supported me at my lowest point. He has an amazing mind and a loving, generous heart and puts up with my craziness without blinking an eye. I often wonder what I did to deserve such an amazing husband. How I managed to catch the best guy in the world to be my man? I often look in the mirror and see this old woman looking back at me but when I say that to him he only says that I am beautiful. I often tell him he sees me through rose colored glasses but he says he sees me through God's glasses. That means he only sees the good in me and not the gray hair, wrinkles or sagging skin. He sees a beautiful wife and I love him for it. Most men compare their wives to other women, maybe wishing she were thinner, prettier or younger but not him. He loves me for me! We don't normally celebrate Valentine's Day because, to us, we don't need one day of the year to tell each other how much we love one another, we tell each other that every day and I think that is one of the things that keep us going. No matter what comes around the bend we stick together and if there is an issue we work it out without angry words or ugly remarks. I have told people that we never fight and I get the "I don't believe you" look but it is true. In all our years we have never had a fight. If I get upset about something I just tell him and he is the same way although he say he never gets mad at me (which I find hard to believe). I know we were truly meant to be together and he is my soulmate. He is the man God chose for me and I am truly blessed to be his wife.

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