Thursday, October 6, 2016

Happy Birthday Dad!!

The 4 hardest days of the year for me are the days my mom and dad died and their birthdays. Today is my dads birthday and he would have been have been 79 years old if he were still with us.  Today I will cook a pot of spaghetti for him.  My dad was Italian and we ate a LOT of spaghetti. At least once a week he would make a pot and we would eat the leftovers for a few days after that. Seems like there was always a pot soaking in the sink from him making sauce.  For the longest time I refused to even make it.  I was so tired of spaghetti sauce.  Now I love pasta and would make every other kind but not the lovely red marinara sauce that my dad made.  My favorite is any kind of pasta with butter and parmesan cheese....YUM!!  Even today  it is still my favorite.  Simple but tasty but I digress.  My spaghetti sauce will not taste like my dads. I don't have his recipe (not that he really had one) and even if I did it just isn't the same.  To have dad's sauce you have to have dad here to make it and since that isn't possible I will do the best I can.   There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish I had my dad here to make us a big pot of his sauce.  Today I will carb out on spaghetti and garlic bread and remember what an awesome dad I had and how lucky I was to be his daughter.  Happy Birthday Dad!!Image may contain: 1 person

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